1ST Tri - DONE...
The Bump's Chinese Gender Predictor apparently thinks we are having a boy, but it is so hard to say. The baby had a pretty high heartbeat, which can sometimes mean girl. And morning sickness is attributed to girls sometimes, also, but moreso when it is severe. Other online quizes put us at almost 50/50 for boy/girl :) I will be happy with either! Here's to the 2ND Trimester and finding out more about our precious little one :)
In other news, Josh has started coaching 2nd grade football with a friend. It is the most adorable thing ever - he comes home absolutely lit up from how happy he is. The kids are hilarious and cute and he has nothing but good things to say about the program. No more news I can think of, other than it is now officially Fall, the leaves are changing, and the air is definitely getting cooler!