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We took out the play mat today - she actually batted around the toys more than I thought she would :) Kinda boring, but I like it :)
We took out the play mat today - she actually batted around the toys more than I thought she would :) Kinda boring, but I like it :)
Posted by
2:54 PM
Of course, being a girl, we had to play dress up this morning :) The headband that came with the outfit was a bit big and kept falling down over her eyes, but it didn't phase my little peanut! Now if only I could get her to smile... Something for us to work on this month.
As for how we are doing - mom is a tad tired but not bad, and Josh is getting back into the swing of spring - including swimming, biking and running (I get exhausted just typing that!)
Keira had her first unplanned visit to the doctor's office yesterday. Poor thing has a tiny tinge of blood in her stool since Friday so I called then and they said to watch it and if it continued to bring her in. It did, so off we went to see Dr. Erickson. Now we wait for the test results... Doc thinks it may be something viral/bacterial but since she is not vomiting, doesn't have a fever, eating well, etc, that he is not worried. Could be an allergy to something I am eating, but he didn't think it was likely. Unfortunately, you can't really test for an allergy so I would just have to start eliminating certain common foods from my diet (like dairy, soy, wheat, peanuts, etc) for 1-2 weeks to see if it makes a difference. Luckily, Keira does not seem to be in any pain AND she is now 9lbs 2oz!!! We go back in one month for shots - eek!
It has been a great month for us and we hope for everyone elseas well :)
Posted by
8:03 AM
Rolling over!!!
Don't mind my voice - I swear I sound way different in my head :P
Posted by
5:03 PM
Keira and I traveled to Brainerd this weekend to see the family at Gram's house. We had such a good time. And OMG - the weather - it got to 77 DEGREES!!! We were able to take the babies for stroller walks and out to Target. It was so nice to have willing and able hands to volunteer to watch K while the girls and I went shopping (I desperately needed some regular clothes - NO MORE MATERNITY!!! - believe it or not I am actually 10 lbs lighter than before getting pregnant).
Anna was so cute with K - calling her baby and trying to get her to suck on the "blop bla" (paci). She really wanted to suck on K's paci and when we would say no she would lick it instead :)
Dad was able to do some yard work for Gram and Grandpa, and Mom steam cleaned the carpets (more than once in some areas due to spit up and dog poo!)
I almost forgot - Keira ROLLED OVER TWICE!!! I wish I could have grabbed the camera fast enough. I cannot believe our little overacheiver! It was from belly to back and Dad was watching, too. She hasn't done it since, but gets so close!
Here are some pics Auntie Em took (you could probably guess that because they are so good :))
Posted by
8:24 AM
Em made these awesome birth announcements - half went out today and the other half will go out once I get more stamps :)
Keira also had her 2 week appointment today - all is going well, doc says she is doing great, they got the bloodwork results back from what was drawn at the hospital and she has no strange diseases and everything he checked (eyes, ears, belly, spine, hips, etc) all look good, too :)
She was 6lbs 13oz last week and is now 7lbs 8.6oz so my little piggy is gaining well. Length is the same, but her head is almost an inch bigger - I think she gets that from the Walsh side ;P
Easter was great - it was hilarious to see her do the head bob searching for food from the guys of the family :) We had a wonderful time, and Keira slept the way down and back in the car without problem! We hope everyone else had a great Easter, too!
Posted by
5:45 PM
Sorry the video is so dark... I was trying to get K to nap, but all she wanted to do was look around :)
Posted by
11:53 AM
She was fussing a little - so I let her hands free of the blanket I swaddled her in. She has been sleeping like this ever since :) Can you tell how much she likes the bean bag?!
Posted by
8:01 AM
And (knock on wood) it has gone great! This next week will be the true test - Josh goes back to work tomorrow - eek! I'm not too worried - me and Keira can handle it :)
And as promised (although most of you have probably seen these elsewhere) - here are a few of my favorite pics taken by my "pro" sis, Emily:
As you can tell - Emily is so talented and it means so much to us that she does things like this for us. I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH, EM!!!
Posted by
4:52 PM
Can be seen here. Hopefully the link works - not a huge fan of the pics they took (and the exorbitant prices), especially compared to the awesome pics Em took :) No announcement in the paper that I have seen yet, so this will have to do.
More of Em's pics will be posted soon!
Posted by
4:58 PM
More of a sponge bath really. She's not a huge fan of water on her body, but loves when you wash her hair/head. Maybe she will get more comfortable when we have more nakey time and her belly button has healed (and when Josh and I get more comfortable, too.) I think she gets cold also because her body is not covered by the warm water. She loves hooded towels though - she snuggles right up when you cover her up in one :)
Posted by
10:25 PM
She is swimming in newborn size for the most part, depending on the brand but still oh so cute :) She didn't mind the Bjorn either, but is a bit small for it yet. Will be so nice a bit later on though!
Posted by
1:22 PM
pictures from our wedding |
Hiking the waterfalls at Dunns River, Jamaica |
Hiking up Dunns River Falls, Jamaica |