Saturday, October 4, 2008

Work in Progress

New project for the weekend (and probably a few more weekends!) - called Evening Frost. The kit was given to me by Aunt Connie and Grandma Walsh and will soon be given to someone else :) I am thinking Christmas gift, but we will see.

*** UPDATE *** It's going easier than I thought - might be done sooner rather than later :)


Emily said...

Very cute! FYI, maybe you should go private. Not to creep out out, but with a baby...

Unknown said...

Oh I know - I picture some pretty creepy people who search the net for an easy target - not cool! I changed the title of the page awhile ago to remove our last name, but still it wouldn't be difficult to figure out who/where we are.

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty. Your doing a wonderful job at sewing it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carly!
I hope you let me on YOUR blog too...I already asked Emily to add me =). Congratulations on the new exciting. YOU will be a great "mom" and Anna needs a cousin anyway!

The quilt is gorgeous!!! WOW...

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is lovely..Gram is so proud of you and your sewing. It is fun to have such a fine hobby.
Take care. Love, Gram

Emily said...

tag. you are it.