Sunday, December 14, 2008


Just a quick note to myself really so I don't forget -
Josh felt the baby kick last night!!! We were cuddling on the couch watching Ron Burgundy, with my head on his shoulder, my belly touching his side where she decided to kick him pretty good :) It was great!


Mary Ann'gler said...

Baby P. is practicing for a Wii fight with her future uncles! She will win!
How's the weather in your neck of the northwoods? Your dad gave up on the looks like that last April blizzard around here!

Anonymous said...

yea........ finally Dad got to feel it...

Trasks said...

I want a name ... so what is it?
Give a good kick for me baby page.

Unknown said...

Still no name yet - but you can see our list if you click the name list on the right (and you can vote whether you like it or not as well.) We may be close, but who knows :)