Thursday, December 23, 2010


Ultrasound yesterday (called a biophysical profile) was good! Baby girl was moving all around (you can kinda till from the pics even and the tech caught a bit of a smile :)), still practicing breathing, fluid levels stayed normal, and the flow of blood through the cord was back to normal. The perinatologist then checked my cervix and it has stayed at 1cm dilated, and the length seems to have actually gone up to 1.5cm! Bedrest, although pretty hard to deal with physically & emotionally, is definitely working!
Based on those results, and the fact that any contractions have been controlled with the nifedipine (procardia), she ok'd my release to continue strict bedrest at Em's house which is the closest to one of their hospitals with the high-level NICU. So as of yesterday (and a bit of a headache trying to get my prescription at Target on the way home) I am here until 34w or if something happens in the meantime then back to the hospital.
Our first goal was to make it to 28 weeks, because we didn't want to set our hopes too high, and 28w is another big milestone in terms of development and lesser complications for baby. Now I'm not sure what to set a goal at, because obviously our ultimate overall goal is 40w :) It seems impossible, but I have been reading many stories and it has definitely happened before :)
Back home, Josh and Keira have been sick this week :( I'm so glad K was feeling better so Josh could bring her to daycare today. Now hopefully he can get better himself! I am constantly thinking of them, being away and not able to help is torture I tell you. But of course, Josh is incredibly strong and resourceful, and manages to be superdad (not really anything new there, he has always been amazing) :)

I have to also say - Em, Jamie, & Anna are such awesome, gracious hosts. It is nice to have company, good food, and a warm bed. I can't thank them enough!


Anonymous said...

So Happy that you are at Em's and not sitting or laying around in a hospital. I suppose it especially hard to be away from the hubs and little girl... take care.. thinking of you. And I know that you will make it all the way with this bedrest.

SweetPea said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad that you will be able to be "home" for Christmas. Having Christmas in the hospital would have been very hard. Congrats on getting to 28 weeks and fingers crossed that you will make the other 12 with no issues!

Anonymous said...

I hesitate to tell you this ... Josh doesn't even know yet ... but Keira had two bouts of some pretty AWFUL liquid poop today! Don't know if it's part of the pukes or something separate. She seems to be feeling fine - altho she was tired.

YOUR news is FANTASTIC! You hang on to that Baby Girl for the whole 40 if you can! We're all pulling for you here!

Lyndi said...

Bran's been keeping me updated, but I had time to check your blog myself today. I'm sooo your little one is still growing, from the inside, we're still praying for you-Cayden too:) What will happen at 34 weeks? Why would you have to go back to the hospital then?

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I worded that funny - I meant that I am in the cities until 34w, at that pt I can go back to Bemidji. In the meantime the only reason I would go back to the hospital is if I had signs of labor. So far so good :)